Useful Contacts

We have compiled a list of contacts within the village and the surrounding area that you may find useful. If you would like to include yourself or organisation in the list then please do contact our Parish Clerk.

Village Hall Contacts
Tracey Honour (Chairman) – Tel: 01934 750918
Lorraine Isgar (Bookings) – Tel: 01934 750166
Christon and Loxton Church (Crook Peak Parish) Contacts
Jane Jay Church warden - 01934 750439 Email


School Contacts
Banwell Primary School – Tel: 01934 822498
Weare Academy (Primary) – Tel: 01934 732270
Hugh Sexeys Middle School – Tel: 01934 712211
Churchill Academy (Senior) and Sixth Form – Tel: 01934 852771
Kings of Wessex (Senior) – Tel: 01934 742608



Local Authority
North Somerset Council – Tel: 01934 622 6669