Parish Council

Loxton Parish Council has five elected Parish Councillors and meets every month in the Memorial Hall for a general meeting. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Any general correspondence for the Parish Council should be sent to the Parish Clerk in advance of the meeting.

What is a Parish Council?

The Parish Council is the tier of local government which is closest to individual communities and therefore has the greatest potential for identifying, understanding and addressing the needs of the people living in the area.

The parish council has responsibility for local issues, including setting an annual precept (local rate) to cover the council’s operating costs and producing annual accounts for public scrutiny. The parish council evaluates local planning applications and works with the local police, district council officers, and neighbourhood watch groups on matters of crime, security, and traffic.

The parish council’s role also includes initiating projects for the maintenance and repair of parish facilities, such as the village hall or community centre, playing fields and playgrounds, as well as consulting with the unitary / district council on the maintenance, repair, and improvement of highways, drainage, footpaths, public transport and street cleaning. Conservation matters (including trees and listed buildings) and environmental issues are also of interest to the council.